Between July 1st and July 3rd, 1863 Gettysburg was home to the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. Over the course of 3 days, 51,000 soldiers gave their lives fighting in a battle which is considered the turning point of the civil war. To honor these soldiers and the battle they fought Gettysburg has become one of the most decorated battlefields of all time. From the Union defenses at Herrs Ridge to Picketts Charge on Cemetery Hill every moment of the battle is commemorated with monuments and markers. Gettysburg is adorned with 410 canons, 1,328 monuments, and 148 historic buildings which can be seen as part of an audio tour or while walking the town with the largest concentration of monuments being in the Gettysburg National Cemetery where President Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address. While attending this convention take a drive, book a tour, or simply take a walk through Gettysburg and see where history happened.